grain free stuffed peppers (Paleo)

grain free stuffed peppers (Paleo)

Serves 6
Prep time 25 minutes
Cook time 30 minutes
Total time 55 minutes
Dietary Gluten Free, Paleo
Meal type Appetizer, Lunch, Main Dish, Side Dish
Misc Child Friendly
By author Adapted from Paleo for Kids by Mitzi Thames


  • 1 lb. gluten free Italian sausage
  • 1 onion
  • 6 cloves garlic
  • 3 carrots
  • 1 large handful kale
  • 1 large handful spinach
  • 1 large handful mushrooms
  • 1 can petite diced tomatoes, drained (can also use fresh diced)
  • 6 bell peppers, cored & seeded


My kids LOVED this recipe. One put ranch dressing on their cut up pepper & filling, the other cut his in half and ate it like he was eating a piece of toast. Either way, they ate it and it was packed with veggies!

Find this recipe and other whole food recipes at Whole Food Fridays:


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Core & seed peppers and place in 9x13 pan.
2. Cook peppers for 15 minutes while filling is prepared.
3. In a large saute pan, brown Italian sausage in a little olive oil or bacon fat.
4. In a food processor, process the onion, garlic and carrots until they are a uniform size; add to Italian sausage and cook for a few minutes.
5. Now add spinach, kale and mushrooms to the food processor and process until uniform in size; ad to the saute pan.
6. Add drained tomatoes to the pan and stir, cooking for another 5 minutes or so. Season with salt and pepper if desired.
7. Pull peppers out of oven. Using slotted spoon to drain off excess moisture, transfer meat & veggies into insides of peppers. (If you have leftovers, save it and fry it up with eggs for breakfast!)
8. Once peppers are stuffed, put them back in the oven for another 15-20 minutes or until the peppers are cooked to desired tenderness. .
9. Enjoy!